IBM Books

Using and Configuring Features Version 3.3

Configuring and Monitoring WAN Restoral

This chapter describes the WAN Restoral configuration and operational commands. It includes the following sections:

Note:Refer to "Configuring and Monitoring Dial Circuits" in the Software User's Guide for information about configuring dial circuits. A dial circuit can be used as an interface when configuring WAN Reroute.

WAN Restoral, WAN Reroute, and Dial-on-Overflow Configuration Commands

The WAN Restoral configuration commands allow you to create or modify the WAN Restoral interface configuration. This section summarizes and explains the WAN Restoral configuration commands.

Table 8 lists the WAN Restoral configuration commands and their function. Enter these commands at the WRS Config> prompt. To access WRS Config>, enter feature wrs at the Config> prompt.

Table 8. WAN Restoral Configuration Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds a mapping of primary-to-secondary (for WAN Restoral) or primary-to-alternate (for WAN Reroute). 
 Disable   Disables WRS, an individual secondary-circuit mapping, or alternate-circuit mapping. 
 Enable   Enables WRS, an individual secondary-circuit mapping, or alternate-circuit mapping. 
 List   Displays the current Restoral configuration. 
 Remove   Removes a primary to secondary mapping or a primary to alternate mapping created by add. 
 Set   Sets the values for the stabilization, route-stabilization, and time-of-day-revert-back timers. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to identify a secondary or an alternate dial-circuit or leased link interface for a primary serial link.




The add alternate-circuit command binds an alternate interface to a primary interface for WAN Reroute purposes. You can assign multiple primaries to a single alternate interface. The alternate link type need not be the same as the primary link type (for example, the alternate link type can be a PPP dial circuit and the primary link type can be a Frame Relay leased line).


WRS Config>add alt
Alternate interface number  [0]? 6
Primary interface number  [0]? 1

Alternate interface number
This is the interface number previously assigned to the alternate interface. Any LAN interface, PPP, Frame Relay, or X.25 serial interface, or a PPP or Frame Relay dial circuit is an eligible alternate interface. The default is 0.

Primary interface number
This is the interface number of the primary interface previously assigned when the device was added. A primary interface can be any previously defined LAN interface, PPP, Frame Relay, or X.25 serial interface, or a PPP or Frame Relay dial circuit. The default is 0.

The add secondary-circuit command binds a secondary interface to a primary interface for WAN Restoral purposes. Both interfaces must have previously been configured. You can only assign one secondary interface to a primary and vice-versa.


WRS Config>add secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 4
Primary interface number  [0]? 1

Secondary interface number
This is the dial circuit interface number previously assigned to the secondary interface when the device was added. Any PPP dial circuit or Multilink PPP interface can be a secondary interface. The default is 0.

Primary interface number
This is the interface number of the primary interface previously assigned when the device was added. A primary interface can be any previously defined leased-line running PPP. The default is 0.


Use the disable command to disable the WAN Restoral function, or to disable a primary/secondary pairing for WAN Restoral, or to disable a primary/alternate pairing for WAN Reroute, or to disable Dial-on-overflow for a primary/alternate pairing.






alternate-circuit interface#
Disables the primary/alternate pairing for WAN Reroute.


WRS Config> disable alternate-circuit
Alternate interface number  [0]? 6

Alternate interface number
This is the number of the alternate interface previously configured with the add alternate-circuit command. The default is 0.

dial-on-overflow alt-intfc#
Disables dial-on-overflow for all primary/alternate pairings using a specified alternate.


WRS Config> disable dial-on-overflow
alternate interface number  [0]? 6

Alternate interface number
This is the number of the alternate interface previously configured with the add alternate-circuit command. The default is 0.

secondary-circuit interface#
Disables the restoral of a particular primary interface by its associated secondary interface until the next enable secondary-circuit command at the WRS console. Both interfaces must have been previously configured and bound together in the WRS configuration.


WRS Config> disable secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 3

Secondary interface number
This is the number of the secondary interface previously configured with the add secondary-circuit command. The default is 0.

Disables the WAN Restoral feature globally on the router. This means that WAN Reroute and Dial-on-overflow are also disabled.


Use the enable command to enable the WAN Restoral function, to enable a primary/secondary pairing for WAN Restoral, to enabled a primary/alternate pairing for WAN Reroute, or to enable dial-on-overflow for a primary/alternate pairing.






alternate-circuit interface#
Enables an alternate circuit


WRS Config>enable alternate-circuit
Alternate interface number  [0]? 6

Alternate interface number
This is the number of the alternate interface previously configured with the add alternate-circuit command. The default is 0.

Enables dial-on-overflow and allows you to set parameters that control how dial-on-overflow works.


WRS>enable dial-on-overflow
For dial-on-overflow, only IP traffic can overflow to the alternate
Primary interface number  ]0]? 1
add-threshold (1-100% utilization) [90]?
drop-threshold(0-99% utilization) [60]?
bandwidth test interval(10-200 seconds) [15]?
minimum time to keep the alternate up (20-21600 sec.) [300]?
Dial-on overflow is enabled.
Remember to configure the primary interface's line speed!

Primary interface number
This is the interface number of the primary interface for which you are enabling dial-on-overflow. The default is 0.

Determines when an alternate interface will be brought up for additional bandwidth. This value must expressed as a percentage of the primary interface's configured line speed. The default is 90%.

Determines when an alternate interface is no longer needed for additional bandwidth. This value must expressed as a percentage of the primary interface's configured line speed. The default is 60%.

bandwidth monitoring interval
Determines how often the primary interface's bandwidth is monitored for the add-threshold and drop-threshold. The default is 15 seconds.

Minimum time to keep alternate up
This time period needs to include enough time for the routers to establish the new route when IP traffic on the local router is rerouted to the alternate interface. The default is 5 minutes.

secondary-circuit interface#
Enables the restoral of a primary link by the indicated secondary link.


WRS Config>enable secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 3

Secondary interface number
This is the number of the secondary interface previously configured with the add secondary-circuit command. The default is 0.

Enables the function of the WAN Restoral feature on the router. This means that if WAN Reroute and Dial-on-overflow are configured they are also enabled.


Use the list command to display global configuration information for the feature and display configuration information for WAN Restoral primary-secondary pairs, WAN Reroute primary-alternate pairs, and Dial-on-Overflow.


 WRS Config>list all
 WAN Restoral is enabled.
 Default Stabilization Time:       0 seconds
 Default First Stabilization Time: 0 seconds
    Primary Interface       Secondary Interface    Enabled
 -----------------------  -----------------------  --------
  4 - WAN PPP              7 - PPP Dial Circuit       No
                                            Alt.     1st  Subseq TOD Revert Back  Stab
 Primary Interface  Alternate Interface     Enabled  Stab  Stab  Start    Stop
 -----------------  ----------------------  -------  ----  ----  -------  ------- ----
  1 - WAN Frame Re   2 - WAN Frame Relay      Yes    dflt  dflt  Not Set  Not Set 15
 Dial-on-overflow is enabled.
 Primary    add-       drop-      test       minimum
 Interface  threshold  threshold  interval   alt up time
 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
      1         29%        20%      15 sec.   300 sec.


Use the remove command to delete the mapping of an alternate interface or secondary (backup) interface to the primary interface.




alternate-circuit alternate-interface# primary-interface#
Removes the mapping of a alternate (backup) interface to the primary interface for WAN Reroute. Both interfaces must have been previously assigned and bound together using the add alternate-circuit command.

This is the number of the alternate interface previously configured with the add alternate-circuit command. The default is 0.

This is the interface number of the primary interface previously bound to the alternate being removed. The default is 0.


WRS Config> remove alternate-circuit
Alternate interface number  [0]? 3
Primary interface number  [0]? 1

secondary-circuit secondary-interface# primary-interface#
Removes the mapping of a secondary (backup) interface to the primary interface for WAN Restoral. Both interfaces must have been previously assigned and bound together using the add secondary-circuit command.

This is the number of the secondary interface previously configured with the add secondary-circuit command. The default is 0.

This is the interface number of the primary interface previously bound to the secondary being removed. The default is 0.


WRS Config> remove secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 3
Primary interface number  [0]? 1


Use the set command to set the parameters for WAN Reroute.


set ?






Use the set default command to set the defaults to be used by links that do not have configured stabilization and first-stabilization times.

Sets the default first-stabilization value to be used for links for which a first-stabilization time was not configured.
WRS Config>set default first
Default first primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds)  [0]? 20 

Sets the default stabilization value to be used for links for which a stabilization time was not configured.
WRS Config>set default stab 
 Default primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds)  [0]? 30

Sets the number of seconds at router initialization before routing for this primary link is switched to the alternate link if the primary link is not up.


WRS Config>set first
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
First primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds -1 = default)  [-1]?

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

First primary stabilization time
The stabilization time for this primary interface. The default is 1.

Sets the routing-stabilization value. This parameter defines the number of seconds that both the primary link and the alternate link remain up after the primary link has been found to be up and the stabilization timer, if any, has expired. The routing-stabilization time is provided so that routing protocols such as OSPF or RIP have enough time to recognize the availability of the new route. Without the routing-stabilization timer, traffic can be interrupted for several seconds while the alternate route has been disabled and the primary route has not yet been discovered.

If the alternate link was up prior to the reroute, the alternate link remains up and the routing-stabilization timer is ignored. If the alternate link went down prior to the reroute or during the reroute, the alternate link remains down and the routing-stabilization timer and the stabilization timer are both ignored.

WRS Config>set routing-stabilization
Primary interface number [0]? 1
Routing stabilization timer (0 - 3600 seconds) [0]?  

Primary interface number

Valid Values: 0 to the number of interfaces configured on the router

Default Value: 0

Routing-stabilization timer

Valid Values: 1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value: 0

Sets the number of seconds required after the primary link is first detected to be up before the process of re-initializing routing on the primary link begins. When the stabilization timer expires, the alternate link will be brought down unless the routing-stabilization timer has been configured. The routing-stabilization timer will start as soon as the stabilization timer expires and will keep both the primary and the alternate links up long enough to maintain the traffic on the alternate link while the routing protocols such as OSPF and RIP reestablish the route over the primary link.


WRS Config>set first
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
Primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds -1 = default)  [-1]?

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting stabilization. The default is 0.

Primary stabilization time
The stabilization time for the primary interface. The default is 1.

The earliest time of the day the router can switch back to the primary route. The router can revert back to the primary any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary will only occur if the primary is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 0.


WRS Config>set start 
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
Time-of-Day revert back window start (1 - 24 hours, 0 = not configured) [0] 3
Start time-of-day revert back configured. Remember to configure stop time-of-day

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

Time-of-day-revert-back-window start
This time marks the beginning time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.

This time marks the ending time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.


WRS Config>set stop
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
Time-of-Day revert back window stop (1 - 24 hours, 0 = not configured) [0]?5

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

Time-of-day-revert-back-window stop
This time marks the ending time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.

Accessing the WAN Restoral Interface Monitoring Process

To access the WAN Restoral interface monitoring process, enter the following command at the GWCON (+) prompt:

   + feature wrs

WAN Restoral Monitoring Commands

The WAN Restoral (WRS) monitoring commands allow you to monitor the state of WAN Restoral primary-secondary pairs, WAN Reroute primary-alternate pairs, and Dial-on-Overflow. Any modifications to the operational state of WAN Restoral, WAN Reroute, and Dial-on-Overflow made through the monitoring interface are not maintained across router restarts.

Access the WRS prompt by entering feature wrs at the GWCON (+) prompt. Table 9 lists the WRS commands and their functions, and the following sections explain the commands.

Table 9. WAN Restoral Monitoring Commands
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Clear   Clears the monitoring statistics displayed using the list command. 
 Disable   Disables the WRS, or an individual secondary, or alternate, or dial-on-overflow. 
 Enable   Enables the WRS, or an individual secondary, or alternate, or dial-on-overflow. 
 List   Displays the monitoring information on one or all alternate or secondary circuits. 
 Set   Sets the values for the stabilization, route-stabilization, and time-of-day-revert-back-timers. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the clear command to clear WAN Restoral, WAN Reroute, and dial-on-overflow statistics that are displayed using the list command.


Note:This command clears Longest restoral period, but does not clear the Most recent restoral period. For the screen display, refer to the example in the list command.


Use the disable command to disable the WAN Restoral feature completely, disable the restoral of a particular primary interface by its associated secondary interface, disable an alternate interface or disable dial-on-overflow.






Disables a primary/alternate pairing for WAN Reroute. There can be multiple pairings using the same alternate. This command disables all the pairings using the specified alternate-circuit.


WRS>disable alternate-circuit
Alternate circuit number  [0]? 6

Alternate circuit number
This is the number of the alternate circuit. The default is 0.

Disables dial-on-overflow for the specified primary/alternate pairing, without changing the enabled/disabled state of WAN Reroute for that pairing. If dial-on-overflow is actively routing, it is terminated at the expiration of the next monitor interval.

Disables the restoral of a particular primary interface by its associated secondary interface until the next restart, reload, or enable secondary-circuit command. Both interfaces must have been previously configured and bound together in the WRS configuration.

Normally, in talk 5 (GWCON), the disable command causes the interface to be inactive and stay inactive. For WAN Restoral secondary, however, this is not the case. The disable command applied to the secondary interface does not disable the interface itself. It disables only the current call (that is, causes any active call to be disconnected.) To disable use of the secondary circuit, you need to disable secondary-circuit at the WAN Restoral monitoring prompt and disable the secondary interface at the top level GWCON prompt.Example:

WRS>disable secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 3

Secondary interface number
This is the number of the secondary interface previously configured with the add secondary-circuit command. The default is 0.

Disabling WRS disables WAN Restoral, WAN Reroute, and Dial-on-overflow on the router until the next restart, reload, or enable WRS command.


Use the enable command to enable the WAN Restoral interface, enable the restoral of a primary link by a secondary circuit, enable an alternate circuit, or enable dial-on-overflow.






Enables the primary/alternate pairings for WAN Reroute for all pairings using the specified alternate.


WRS> enable alternate-circuit
Alternate circuit number  [0]? 3

Alternate circuit number
This is the interface number of the alternate circuit. The default is 0.

Enables dial-on-overflow and allows you to set parameters that control dial-on-overflow. Optionally, allows you to cause the IP protocol to be switched immediately to the alternate, as if the add threshold had been crossed.


WRS> dial-on-overflow
For dial-on-overflow, only IP traffic can overflow to the alternate interface.
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
add-threshold (1-100% utilization) [90]?
drop-threshold(0-99% utilization) [60]?
bandwidth test interval(10-200 seconds) [15]?
minimum time to keep the alternate up (20-21600 sec.) [300]?
Dial-on overflow is enabled.
Remember to configure the primary interface's line speed!
Do you want to switch IP traffic to the alternate now?(Yes or [No]):

Enables the restoral of a primary link by the indicated secondary link.


WRS> enable secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 3

Secondary interface number
This is the number of the secondary interface previously configured with the add secondary-circuit command. The default is 0.

Enables the function of the WAN Restoral feature on the router. This feature needs to be enabled in order to do WAN Restoral, WAN Reroute, or Dial-on-overflow.


Use the set command to set the parameters for WAN Reroute.


set ?






Use the set default command to set the defaults to be used by links that do not have configured stabilization and first-stabilization times.


WRS Config>set default ?

Sets the default first-stabilization value to be used for links for which a first-stabilization time was not configured.
WRS Config>set default first
Default first primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds)  [0]? 20 

Sets the default stabilization value to be used for links for which a stabilization time was not configured.
WRS Config>set default stab 
Default primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds)  [0]? 30

Sets the number of seconds at router initialization before routing for this primary link is switched to the alternate link if the primary link is not up.


WRS Config>set first
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
First primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds -1 = default)  [-1]?

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

First primary stabilization time
The stabilization time for this primary interface. The default is 1.

Sets the routing-stabilization value. This parameter defines the number of seconds that both the primary link and the alternate link remain up after the primary link has been found to be up and the stabilization timer, if any, has expired. The routing-stabilization time is provided so that routing protocols such as OSPF or RIP have enough time to recognize the availability of the new route. Without the routing-stabilization timer, traffic can be interrupted for several seconds while the alternate route has been disabled and the primary route has not yet been discovered.

If the alternate link was up prior to the reroute, the alternate link remains up and the routing-stabilization timer is ignored. If the alternate link went down prior to the reroute or during the reroute, the alternate link remains down and the routing-stabilization timer and the stabilization timer are both ignored.

WRS Config>set routing-stabilization
Primary interface number [0]? 1
Routing stabilization timer (0 - 3600 seconds) [15]?  

Primary interface number

Valid Values: 0 to the number of interfaces configured on the router

Default Value: 0

Routing-stabilization timer

Valid Values: 1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value: 0

Sets the number of seconds required after the primary link is first detected to be up before the process of re-initializing routing on the primary link begins. When the stabilization timer expires, the alternate link will be brought down unless the routing-stabilization timer has been configured. The routing-stabilization timer will start as soon as the stabilization timer expires and will keep both the primary and the alternate links up long enough to maintain the traffic on the alternate link while the routing protocols such as OSPF and RIP reestablish the route over the primary link.


WRS Config>set first 
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
Primary stabilization time (0 - 3600 seconds -1 = default)  [-1]?

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting stabilization. The default is 0.

Primary stabilization time
The stabilization time for the primary interface. The default is 1.

Sets the earliest time of the day that the router can switch back to the primary route. The router can revert back to the primary any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary will only occur if the primary is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 0.


WRS Config>set start
Primary interface number [0]? 1
Time-of-Day revert back window start (1 - 24 hours, 0 = not configured) [0] 3
Start time-of-day revert back configured. Remember to configure stop time-of-day

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

Time-of-day-revert-back-window start
This time marks the beginning time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.

This time marks the ending time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.


WRS Config>set stop 
Primary interface number  [0]? 1
Time-of-Day revert back window start (1 - 24 hours, 0 = not configured) [0]?

Primary interface number
This is the primary interface number of the primary interface for which you are setting first-stabilization. The default is 0.

Time-of-day-revert-back-window stop
This time marks the ending time for the revert back window. The router can revert back to the primary interface any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary interface will only occur if the primary interface is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 1.


Use the list command to display monitoring information on one or all WAN Restoral primary-secondary pairs or one or all WAN Reroute primary-alternate pairs.






Provides summary information, followed by the specific information, for each secondary interface.


 list all
 WAN Restoral/Re-route is enabled with 2 circuits configured
     Total restoral attempts =          7 completions   =          7
     Total packets forwarded =         39
     Longest completed restoral period in hrs:min:sec     0:03:27
     Total overflow attempts =         20 completions   =         19
     Longest completed overflow period in hrs:min:sec     0:05:00
    Primary       Secondary    Restoral  Restoral   Current/Longest
 Net Interface  Net Interface  Enabled    Active       Duration
 -------------  -------------  --------  --------   --------------------
   4  PPP/0       7  PPP/1       No         No       00:03:27/ 00.06.00
                               Re-route/ Re-route/         Recent
    Primary       Alternate    Overflow  Overflow     Reroute/Overflow
 Net Interface  Net Interface  Enabled    Active          Duration
 -------------  -------------  --------  --------   --------------------
   1   FR/0       2   FR/1     Yes/Yes    No /No     00:00:56/ 00:05:00

Total restoral attempts
The number of times the primary link failed, causing the router to try to bring up a secondary link.

The number of successful restoral attempts when the secondary link came up and was used.

Total packets forwarded
The total number of packets forwarded across the secondary interface. It is the sum of both directions, and is cumulative over all successful restores, until the restart or clear restoral-statistics command is issued.

Longest Completed Restoral Period
This field displays in hours, minutes, and seconds the longest amount of time a restoral was in operation, not counting any current usage.

Total Overflow Attempts
The number of attempts due to an overflow.

The number of successful overflow attempts when the secondary link came up and was used.

Longest Completed Overflow Period
Displays in hours, minutes , and seconds the longest amount of time an overflow was in operation, not counting any current usage.

Primary Net Interface
The interface that is being backed up by its associated secondary interface.

Secondary Net Interface
The dial circuit that is being used to back up the associated primary interface.

Restoral Enabled
Indicates that restoral of this primary interface is currently enabled.

Restoral Active
Indicates whether restoral is active (Yes or No).

Current/Longest Duration
Indicates in hours, minutes, and seconds the current and longest duration the secondary net interface was up.

Primary Net Interface
The interface that is being backed up by its associated alternate interface.

Alternate Net Interface
The interface that is being used as an alternate back up the associated primary interface.

Re-route/Overflow Enabled
Indicates whether reroute and overflow are enabled (Yes or No).

Re-route/Overflow Active
Indicates whether reroute and overflow are active (Yes or No).

Recent Re-route Overflow Duration
Indicates in hours, minutes, and seconds the recent reroute and overflow duration of the alternate net interface.

Provides totals for an alternate circuit. Allows the monitoring operator to retrieve the WAN Reroute state and associated statistics for each alternate interface and its associated primary mapping.


 WRS>li alt 7
 Primary    1:FR/0 Frame Relay SCC Serial Line
 Alternate  7:PPP/1 Point to Point V.25bis Dial Circuit
 reroute Enabled, currently inactive
 overflow Enabled, currently inactive
 Primary first stabilization time: default (0 seconds)
 Primary stabilization time: default (0 seconds)
 Routing-stabilization time: 15 seconds
 Time-of-day revert back not configured: start = 0, stop = 0
 Restored 0 times (0 attempts)
 Overflow 0 times (0 attempts)                                 

Primary Interface
The interface that is being backed up by this associated alternate interface.

Alternate Interface
The dial circuit that is being used to back up the associated primary interface.

Reroute Enabled
Indicates whether reroute of this primary interface is currently enabled.

Overflow Enabled
Indicates whether overflow of this primary interface is currently enabled.

Primary first stabilization
The number of seconds at router initialization before routing for this primary link is switched to the alternate link if the primary link is not up.

First stabilization
The number of seconds required after the primary link is first detected to be up before routing is switched back from the alternate link to the primary link. Routing over the alternate link continues until the primary link remains up for this number of seconds.

Routing stabilization
The number of seconds required after routing is switched back to the primary link before the alternate link is taken down. During this time both the primary and the alternate links remain up. This interval is provided to allow routing protocols such as OSPF and RIP time to recognize the availability of the route over the primary interface.

Time-of-day revert back
The time of the day the router can switch back to the primary route. The router can revert back to the primary any time between the start-time-of-day-revert-back time and the stop-time-of-day-revert-back time. Reverting back to the primary will only occur if the primary is up and the stabilization parameters are met. The default is 0.

Restored times
The number of attempts to reroute the primary interface.

Overflow times
The number of dial-on-overflow attempts.

Provides totals for each secondary circuit. Allows the monitoring operator to retrieve the WAN Restoral state and associated statistics for each secondary interface and its associated primary mapping.


list secondary-circuit
Secondary interface number  [0]? 1
Primary Interface          Secondary Interface      Enabled
-------------------        --------------------     ---------
1  PPP/0  Point to Poi     3  PPP/1  Point to Poi     Yes
Router primary interface state = Up
Router secondary interface state = Available
Restoral Statistics:
  Primary restoral attempts =       6   completions =    5
  Restoral packets forwarded =    346
    Most recent restoral period in hrs:min:sec          00:08:20

Primary Interface
The interface that is being backed up by this associated secondary interface.

Secondary Interface
The dial circuit that is being used to back up the associated primary interface.

Secondary Enabled
Indicates whether restoral of this primary interface is currently enabled.

Router Primary Interface State
Indicates that the primary interface state is one of the following:

Up - Indicates that the link is up.

Down - Indicates that the link is down.

Disabled - Indicates that the operator has disabled the link.

Not present - Indicates that the link is configured but there is a hardware problem.

Router Secondary Interface State
Indicates that the associated secondary interface state is one of the following:

Up - Indicates that the link is up.

Down - Indicates that the link is down. This also occurs when the base network for the secondary is disabled either at the Config> prompt or at the operator console.

Available - Indicates that the link is in the waiting mode.

Testing - Indicates that the link is in the process of establishing a connection.

Restoral Statistics:

Primary Restoral Attempts
The number of times the primary failed, causing the router to try to bring up a secondary link.

Restoral Packets forwarded
This field indicates the total number of packets forwarded.

Most Recent Restoral Period
This indicates how long the secondary was up, the last time it was used or during the current restoral use.

Provides totals for each secondary circuit.


list summary
WAN Restoral is enabled with 3 circuit(s) configured
  Total restoral attempts =      3 completions =      2
  Total packets forwarded =    346
  Longest restoral period in hrs:min:sec   00:08:20
Primary Interface and State      Secondary Interface and State
---------------------------   -----------------------------------
 1  PPP/0  - Up                 3  PPP/1  - Available

Total restoral attempts
The number of times the primary failed, causing the router to try to bring up a secondary link.

The number of successful restoral attempts when the secondary came up and was used.

Total packets forwarded
The total number of packets forwarded across the secondary interface. It is the sum of both directions, and is cumulative over all restoral periods until the restart or clear restoral-statistics command is used.

Longest restoral period
This field displays in hours, minutes, seconds the longest amount of time restoral was in use, not counting the current usage.

Primary Interface and State
The interface that is being backed up by its associated secondary. Valid states are:

Up - Indicates that the link is up.

Down - Indicates that the link is down.

Disabled - Indicates that the operator has disabled the link.

Not present - Indicates that the link is configured but there is a hardware problem.

Secondary Interface and State
The dial circuit that is being used to back up the associated primary. Valid states are:

Up - Indicates that the link is up.

Down - Indicates that the link is down. This also occurs when the base network for the secondary is disabled either at the Config> prompt or at the operator console.

Testing - Indicates that the link is in the process of establishing a connection.

Available - Indicates that the link is in the waiting mode.

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